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Because of you...

we've reached new heights in a year full of momentum and milestones. You've made it possible for the individuals and families we serve to reach for the sky.


LOGAN acquires Hannah & Friends Neighborhood

In 2018, LOGAN entered into a services agreement to be the sole and preferred provider of Supported Living and Studios Day services at Hannah & Friends Neighborhood. The partnership with Hannah & Friends went so well that we were asked to consider taking over Hannah & Friends Neighborhood as their succession plan and acquire their property and facilities. On November 1st, LOGAN officially purchased Hannah & Friends Neighborhood.  

Hannah & Friends Neighborhood is a 40-acre property located along Hollyhock Road in the northern part of South Bend.  The property currently houses a  recreation center, gymnasium, four supported living homes, a caretaker house, and a horse barn.  The property is mostly undeveloped, with a large amount of greenspace and wooded areas.

LOGAN is committed to ensuring that Hannah & Friends Neighborhood is an integrated environment.  We will further engage in community activities with our clients that live in the homes and attend Studios there and pursue opportunities to bring the community to us and mix people of diverse backgrounds in housing, employment, volunteerism, and recreation.

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Sara Smiles Campaign

After 35 years with Gibson, Bob Sturtevant will retire next year. He doesn’t want a gold watch or a big party.  Instead, he’s asking friends and family to celebrate by giving to the “Sara Smiles Campaign for LOGAN.” The campaign honors his daughter Sara and helps fund the recreational programs she and her friends enjoy so much at LOGAN.

Bob joined Gibson in 1985 as a Senior Account Executive. In 1989, he became a Principal and Owner in the firm. In 1996, he and his wife, Peggy, brought Sara home from an orphanage in Guilin, China, and adopted her. A few years later, LOGAN became a major and vital part of Sara’s life. She has used many of the services offered at LOGAN. When she was 10, she began attending LOGAN Recreation activities, including art and games and outings wth friends.

“The LOGAN staff have been so caring for Sara,” Bob said. “She immediately responded to the programs and services offered, and she has made so many friends at LOGAN, lifelong friendships.”

For more than 10 years, Bob and Peggy  have served LOGAN as advocates, donors and volunteers. In retirement, Bob plans to continue to serve on LOGAN’s Board of Directors. Peggy serves on the Parent/Family Guardian Advisory Council.
Contributing to the “Sara Smiles Campaign for LOGAN” is the perfect way to celebrate Bob’s longstanding relationship with Gibson and LOGAN.


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Benton Harbor Building Dedication

Three years after opening in Benton Harbor, the LOGAN Autism Learning Center - Southwest Michigan has been formally named the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Building. The name honors the family foundation that awarded $400,000 for the Center. LOGAN honored the Weinbergs and all the donors who contributed to the $1.6 million building campaign during a special building dedication and donor recognition event October 17.

This is a digital version of LOGAN Community Resources Inc.'s 2023 Annual Report to the community.

© 2023 LOGAN Community Resources, Inc.

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